martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

A letter of complaint

Dear Editor:

This letter is to inform you, that there is a problem with your product that you showed me five days ago. It provokes me a strangle allergy and I found it to be dangerous and misleading for all the people.

The advert, which is for a hair shampoo called “The powerful” it has a misleading objective in which consist in eliminate the dandruff of the hair.  However we decided to send your product in a lab and they discovered that “The powerful” was done using toxic substances prohibited in humans.  In consequence, you were lying about your magic item, you tried to copy the formulate from a different shampoo called “EGO” so it has in consequence many problems with the people who apply the product on their hair and problems with the government.

You have a demand for your product because all my family suffered the consequences from your dangerous item. The demand is going to be required if you don’t pay me all the expenses we needed to cure all my family, This is my HSBC account 28473874297492387 please send me the money. I recommend you to stop producing “The powerful” and fix all the problems.

I hope you fix and pay all the people that bought your item and be very careful.

An unknown consumer… 

sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Conceptual map

This is the order I am going to follow making my presentations

The Unfavorable Mortar Boats

The Unfavorable Mortar Boats

The mortar boats were, as Foote indicated, a project begun by General John C. Fremont in the early days of the war. The mortars themselves came from Fort Pitt Foundry in Pittsburgh. These 13-inch Seacoast Mortars, Model 1861 - the Army's latest and heaviest seacoast mortars. The Army Ordnance Department designed the weapon to arm coastal fortifications. The 13-inch mortar fired a 227 pound shells fired to a maximum range of 4600 yards. Unlike standard guns, the mortars fired the shells in a high, arching trajectory to fall on top of the intended target. The army designed these seacoast mortars to drop shells upon an enemy bombardment fleet attacking coastal fortifications.

Mortar structure and characteristics.

Stokes Trench Mortar 
Caliber: 3 inch 
Barrel Length: 51 inches 


:Tube : 43 pounds 
:Base Plate : 28 pounds 
:Bipod : 37 pounds 
:Total : 108 pounds 

Effective Range: 750 yards 

Maximum Range: 800 yards


It is no possible have a nice weapon without have a nice missile. To become a mortar more efficient is necessary to use different kinds of projectiles  because if the target is a big city you will not use it for a heavy tank..

type targets


  • Tow
Light Armored:

  • Tow B

  • Tow 2 (A)


  • I-Tow

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

sharing the past to the future

R. Lee Ermey show us a mini documental and he is explain us how the mortars were being better with the time.. 

Ultimate Weapons- M109 Paladin/Excalibur

More efficien, more destructive, more advanced, more precise, more destroyer this is the M109 Paladin/Excalibur this one of the most incredible tank artillery from the USA army.

This elegant mortar has incredible advantages

GPS missile
Automatic Reload
2 operators (low screw).