martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

A letter of complaint

Dear Editor:

This letter is to inform you, that there is a problem with your product that you showed me five days ago. It provokes me a strangle allergy and I found it to be dangerous and misleading for all the people.

The advert, which is for a hair shampoo called “The powerful” it has a misleading objective in which consist in eliminate the dandruff of the hair.  However we decided to send your product in a lab and they discovered that “The powerful” was done using toxic substances prohibited in humans.  In consequence, you were lying about your magic item, you tried to copy the formulate from a different shampoo called “EGO” so it has in consequence many problems with the people who apply the product on their hair and problems with the government.

You have a demand for your product because all my family suffered the consequences from your dangerous item. The demand is going to be required if you don’t pay me all the expenses we needed to cure all my family, This is my HSBC account 28473874297492387 please send me the money. I recommend you to stop producing “The powerful” and fix all the problems.

I hope you fix and pay all the people that bought your item and be very careful.

An unknown consumer…